Friday, September 26, 2008

Too much is too much!!

You probably can tell I've been tied up the last couple of weeks. Just one of those extra busy times. Do you ever feel like you're strapped to the front of a train going full speed ahead and can't get off? Sometimes the busyness of life can cause great frustration (if we even have time to think about it, that is) or even depression and burnout, especially if we feel we have no choice in the matter. Yes, we can get overwhelmed, over-taxed and too busy. We all hit those times in our lives when feelings of burnout drag us down.

Burnout is an "exhaustion of one's energy or enthusiasm". Exhaustion!! Mr. Webster says to exhaust something is to draw out or drain off completely, to empty, to weaken, to tire, to use up! Has the frantic pace of life zapped you of your energies? your zeal? your interest? Most of us have more than plenty to do, life is full of work and activity, in other words we are b-u-s-y! Sometimes even natural changes in our schedules, like school starting in the Fall, can overwhelm and over-extend us. Sometimes its holidays. Seems like I've been here before (many more times than I'd like to admit). I found an old list the other day as I was going through a pile of papers. Yep, been there. The list had a couple of months of things that I had going on or was doing. This included Thanksgiving dinner for the singles in our church in my home, a couples get-together for Christmas in my home, two teen activities at the farm, a Bible college new semester dinner, two Christmas cantatas to get ready for (I was painting murals for one and the kids had parts in the other), two Christmas recitals to attend, violin lessons and trumpet lessons to run to, a HEART homeschool event to plan for, ladies ministry meeting, several group Bible studies to plan and prepare, a couple of hospital visits, some doctor's visits (I was expecting at the time), school work to correct, cookies to bake for a Christmas exchange, several owies to kiss, Mount Laundermore to conquer, one birthday to celebrate (mine - hee,hee) and our Anniversary. Whew!! Somebody put on the brakes!

Tune in again for the rest of the story.... just don't know when...tomorrow, or the next day or....when I have a chance.

Have a blessed day,

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