Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bread Baking (and eating!)

Mmmmm....the wonderful smell of bread baking in the oven. Just nothing quite like it. And eating that first slice of warm bread smothered in butter - ooh, nothing quite as rewarding to the taste-buds.

My mom used to spend Saturdays baking homemade buns for our family when I was growing up. I can still see the top of the old freezer lined with rows of neatly spaced balls of dough left there to rise. I'm sure it was more a "labor of love" than an actual money saving event. Perhaps she just plain enjoyed hearing the oohs and aaahs from her appreciative family, as we sank our teeth into a fresh slice of homemade bread. Perhaps she got satisfaction from knowing we were getting a nutritious addition to our daily diet. Whatever her reasons, she faithfully baked bread for us for years and we joyfully ate it!

I find it interesting that the Bible speaks much about "bread". Jesus Christ rebuked the devil when he commanded the Son of God to turn stones to bread by saying, "It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God." And in another place He called Himself the "Bread of Life", telling us the importance of accepting Him as Savior in our own lives and reminding us that we need His word daily. Paul tells us to eat the "unleavened bread of sincerity and truth" in I Corinthians 5:8. We are to ask the Lord to give us our "daily bread", speaking of Him providing our necessary food each and every day. But one of the most interesting references to bread is found in Proverbs 31:27, where it mentions we, as wives, ought not to eat "the bread of idleness". Why is it that some wives and mother's never seem to find enough hours in their day to accomplish the many tasks at hand, while others seem bored, oblivious to their daily duties, spending hours on the phone or visiting with friends. There may be no harm and even something at times to be gained from a friendly visit. But we can all too easily let this pleasantry take too much of our time, allowing us to become guilty of eating "the bread of idleness".

After filling ourselves with this bread we are sure to end up with a stomachache of discouragement, worthlessness, and unhappiness. Why? Because God intended for us to work. There is therapeutic value in work. We are happiest when busy. We can gain a sense of worth when we've accomplished something. It is rewarding. Many a broken or discouraged heart has been healed while working outdoors in the sunshine amongst flowers.

Here's a word of caution, though, we need a variety of "breads" to have a balanced diet. Don't neglect to eat "the Bread of Life", and indulge in God's Word daily. That's the true life-giving bread and a mainstay if we are to "looketh well to the ways of [our] household". You'll find no time to be bored and you'll have energy to accomplish all the Lord has in mind for you daily. Your reward? ..."strength and honour are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come." - Proverbs 31 woman

Have a blessed day,


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